
Premium dog food

It is very easy to get confused in the assortment of dog foods offered under different brands, especially to an inexperienced dog breeder. Even within the same brand, there is no uniformity: feeds are focused on different groups of animals, and therefore differ in ingredients and nutritional value. Natural or factory About 30 years ago, the choice was obvious: in the absence of the sale of industrial feed, tetrapods were fed with products from their refrigerator.

Chipmunk animal. Chipmunk lifestyle and habitat

Squirrels, gophers and marmots have some very interesting relatives. They have a great resemblance in appearance to their brothers. These animals are called chipmunks, and it is these animals that most often people prefer to keep at home. What interested people in these little squirrel rodents?

Lizard snake

The lizard snake (Malpolon monspessulanus) belongs to the squamous order. External signs of a lizard snake. The lizard snake has a body length of up to two meters, the third part falls on the tail. The head at the top is distinguished by a concave surface and smoothly passes into the body. The front of the head from the nostrils to the eyes has a pointed and slightly elevated shape.

Sea lion

Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Animals Sub-kingdom: Eumetazoi Type: Chordata Subtype: Vertebrates Class: Mammals Infraclass: Placental Order: Carnivorous Suborder: Canidae Infraorder: Pinniped Family: Eared Seals Subfamily: Sea lion Six-eared species Sea lion Sea lion is one species Seals, found mainly in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Giant ibis are birds that can disappear

Giant ibises are marsh birds belonging to the ibis family. The habitat of giant ibis is limited to northern Cambodia, several individuals have survived in southern Laos, and these birds live in the national park in Vietnam. Giant ibis habitat These birds live in lowlands where there are swamps, lakes, rivers, flooded plains, meadows, semi-open and denser forests.

Hazel dormouse

Domain: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Animals Subdomain: Eumetazoi Without rank: Two-sided symmetrical Without rank: Second-type Type: Chordate Subtype: Vertebrate Infratype: Maxillary Supraclass: Four-legged Class: Mammals Subclass: Beasts Infraclass: Placental Unorder Gorizards: Garch squad: Euarch : Protein-like Family: Sonevie Genus: Hazel dormouse Species: Hazel dormouse Hazel dormouse is just a wonderful miniature creature, looking at which, involuntarily touched, images immediately pop up in your mind Dorn brisk hamster and squirrel.

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Oriental cat breed

Oriental Shorthair is a domestic cat breed that is closely related to the famous Siamese cat. The oriental breed of cats inherited the elegance of the body and head, Siamese cats, but unlike the latter does not have a characteristic dark mask on the face, and colors are varied. Like Siamese cats, oriental almond-shaped eyes, a triangular head, large ears and a long, graceful and muscular body.

Bison animal. Bison lifestyle and habitat

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Green woodpecker bird. Green woodpecker lifestyle and habitat

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Levchen dog. Description, features, types, nature, care and price of Levchen breed

This breed is called differently: Bichon Lyon, Leuchen. Due to its small size, the most popular name has become: a small lion dog, sometimes a dwarf lion. Similarity with a lion arises due to the thick "mane". Without the haircut that Leuchen has been doing for centuries, the lion's appearance is lost. Bichons or poodles trimmed "under the lion" also become like the king of animals.